General Discussion
I have come to the point where I find I am at an end of what I can truly know about our Flat Plain Creation, and have been watching documentaries about Old World Building construction that is 100% beyond that of our modern construction techniques. Clearly we can build tall buildings of glass and steel with tower cranes and modern tools, but what is clearly not understood is how structures such as those in the attached sample video could have been constructed in times past without power tools, cranes and modern transportation across well paved roads from quarries located at a relatively great distance from the construction site.
The attached video is from the My Lunch Break YouTube channel. I have found this to be the best produced and provocative discussion on the topic. If interested, be sure to comment and share your thoughts because I believe we have been lied to for a long time, and as a Christian knowing our God is not the author of confusion, I am finding this information a bit tough to sort out.
Link to channel:
His Story, Not Ours? | Pt 9