I haven't really heard of a good answer to these, so asking... I've heard theories that stars are angels for ex, but haven't heard of what comets and shooting stars are.
Comets to me almost look like a hole in the firmament and that light is shooting through it, if I try to explain it objectively vs what I was told that it's a ice rock shooting through space...
I think shooting stars are electrical. Energy or static charges. They always look green and to me they do not look like rocks falling through an atmosphere and burning up but more like a static charge of some sort.
this on asteroids:
I found this on youtube by founded earth brothers on comets.
If the firmament is frozen gas of some kind,a lot of shooting stars like like fire, they could be ice falling off the firmament,the wind up there is over a 100 mph and it just burns up, comets could be out of focus stars, some how