Are you asking when all of the books and letters were combined into one compilation that we now call the Bible? That is easily found with a quick google search.
A bit of trivial here; The New Testament letters from Romans to Jude are arranged based upon the length of the letter....they are NOT chronological and that can make the first century story hard to follow. Frank Viola put together a 182 page book called The Untold Story of the New Testament Church which explains this and paints a picture of those times and why and to whom those letters were written. Definitely worth a read, or a listen on Audible
What year was the bible made?
Wow Thankyou so very much for your information and words can’t say enough so much information to make the non believers to take a step back and think
Another great article someone else linked to - here to put it all together.
Happy digging!
There's a start!
A HUGE key to this is the word "stereoma". - used in the Septuagint in Genesis 1 for "firmament"
The other huge key for me is studying the word "raqiya". This article summarizes excellently.