I would also recommend actually looking into what you've been taught about the globe model. Know what you are SUPPOSED to believe before you examine FE. Then examine FE and compare. I did this and realized how unviable and non-sensical the globe model is. We simply are supposed to believe it b/c the masses believe it and b/c 'authorities' tell us. But they are not testable nor do many of them even make physical sense.
I would also recommend actually looking into what you've been taught about the globe model. Know what you are SUPPOSED to believe before you examine FE. Then examine FE and compare. I did this and realized how unviable and non-sensical the globe model is. We simply are supposed to believe it b/c the masses believe it and b/c 'authorities' tell us. But they are not testable nor do many of them even make physical sense.
16 Emergency Landings proving Flat Earth by Eddie Alencar will/can provoke thought. https://biblicalcosmologybook.blogspot.com/