How many miles are each of the tropic parallells? I recently saw someone post a meme indicating they were each 22k miles. The poster acted like it was the slam dunk of globe proof that FE's had no answer for. No one is interested in civil dialog in public forums so I thought id ask here. Maybe Dave Weiss covers it. I couldn't find it. Thanks for the help!
When you say how many miles, do you mean circumference or from the north pole?
Tropic of Cancer is approximately 4,500 miles (in GE) from NP. As a radius straight from the imaginary Earth globe axis is approx 3,900 miles.
Equator is approx 6,200 miles from NP
Tropic of Cancer circumference is approx 22,000 miles.
On a plane, your compass would steer you in a circle, using the NP as a guide while going east or west. I'm not sure what they thought was such a slam dunk either?
While I do not have an answer to the exact question you're asking, I do have a comment regarding a statement you made.
I'm referring to no one wanting to have a civil dialogue. That is so true in most places. Even in some of the forums here. It's really sad.
I myself am not sold 100% on either position. There are certainly unanswered questions by the Biblical earth (flat earth) community. And honest folks in that community will acknowledge this. Likewise for a globe earth.
Why is it so hard for some people to just acknowledge "they don't 100% know"?
Yea, both arguments have their stats and facts. But unless you have either been to space and have seen that we are a globe from an external vantage point. Or you have been to the end of Antarctica and have seen/touched where the firmament meets the earth or seen the "extra terrain" (depending upon what you believe). Then you don't 100% know. That is a fact. You just don't.
You can choose to believe an opinion based on what you've read, who you've listened to, what you think your senses are telling you etc. but in the end, if we are honest, we are choosing to believe in something. Not "know" something. For me, I choose to believe Gods Word for a multitude of reasons. But it's disingenuous to answer someone's honest question by slandering one side, making a joke of one side, discounting other opinions etc. just because it's not what you choose to believe. If you have a good honest opinion as to why you view things differently, lay it out and have a discussion. Don't just devolve into ad hominem's. But that unfortunately seems to be the default for too many.
What we can know is Governments (i.e. people) lie. History has more to it than what we were sold/told in our classrooms and textbooks.
So why is it so hard to just have a civil conversation about this stuff? George does a great job with his interviews, but very rarely does someone come on with a dissenting opinion. It's great to hear people who are likeminded and support each other. I've listed to almost every podcast on this channel. But it would be nice to hear more civil contrary discussions. But that seems near impossible.
Even the recent pastoral debate turned into a joke. Why is this? Where are the adults in the room?
Anyway, sorry to jack the post and sorry I don't have an answer to your astrological question.
The numbers are created by the Satanists and can't be trusted.