One thing that I don’t get about “the flat earth community” is this comment about water “always being level.”
Certainly, we do use water in level tools to determine what is and is not level in construction, but this does not mean that water is always level. Anybody can pour some water on their countertop and see that a water droplet is curved. if an ant walked up to that water droplet, it would look like a hill of water. It absolutely is not flat and level!
Certainly, I have my doubts about “ball earth,” but I had to point this out!
Thats funny you bring it up. I was actually thinking about this a few weeks ago.
Water forming a meniscus on a droplet is characteristic on water on a small edge or droplet as you observed. This property stops as soon as the volume increased the slightest bit You will never see a water ball the size of baseball, much less the size of earth. The level property of water is probably one of the most convicing aspects to me that we probably do not live on sphere, when you look at any still body of water is always perfectly strait on top forming a flat serface, no mater how large that body of water is. On sphere, it would have to be always measurably curving and it does not.
Does water look level in this picture, even though the sink is tilted? Water isn’t always level!
You do have a point. I will try to remain neutral during this explanation. Water on a globe is possible and doesn't have to be perfectly level. Because of the downward force of so-called "gravity", water would actually stay on a globe earth. To imagine it, think of water getting pushed against a wall by a really strong gust of wind. Provided the force is strong enough, it will stay against the wall (assuming the wind is the one of the only forces acting against the water). :)
So if the water had a level surface on a level plane, it would have to only be 2D. Or it would have to be rectangular prism (box like). If it's 2D, it becomes useless. God gave it tension so water would be useful.
Water always finds it's level. That's why water can used TO level (ie in building). The ancients used ditches of water to construct, because the water in the ditch became level. Irrigation works on the same principle.
good points. Water in its solid form has a shape otherwise it’s vapor. The shape of the water at its smallest is a droplet. Rounded without edges. Just as other objects or living creatures have shape. They are not flat. being part of a plane doesn’t mean everything is two dimensional they are just seated on a flat foundation which is earth.
Good observation. Imagine tho, that countertop was not level. The water droplet would move until it found it’s level spot. Just like water on the earth moves to its level surfaces example: ponds,lakes, oceans ect.