Has anyone else discovered the ease of the New Covenant? I was researching a post from the dreaded TikTok that stated that there will be no rapture of the church as we have been taught in our churches. I had normally ignored these things, but decided to find out why people believed this.
I discovered that Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 11 are describing the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem by Rome, which occured in 70 AD. I started digging deeper and discovered the New Covenant. The New Covenant expresses the true ease of the Gospel, which is completely opposite of the Covenant mixture of today's churches.
Walk Talks with Matt McMillen https://open.spotify.com/show/3J7KGYnHXh95Tjcp2wHXJo?si=10fd298039f6448b
Pagan Christianity is on my reading list.
The book is supposed to tackle all the unscriptural things in the institutions we call church today. I’ve started using the word ekklesia to describe modern believers in Jesus the Christ.
Thanks for posting this. I'm going to watch both episodes before returning to comment.
Edited: I watched both podcast 1 & 2 and could not find any red flags. One verse in context from Revelation 18 keeps coming to mind, and I have come across quite a few people who are beginning to feel the same way about the organized religions/church buildings; "Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues"
BTW...if interested, check out Pagan Christianity by Barna.....don't get hung up on the title, it is not suggesting following Christ is 'pagan'. We have listened to it several times via our Audible app.