I have a Samsung Galaxy s23 ultra that brags about their "moon shot", you can take a photo up to 100x zoom, it ends up with a cool shot of the moon, it is obvious that it applies some sort of digital mask to make the image look better. Regardless, I took a photo of the moon Friday evening then again early Saturday morning to compare the photos. The moon position changed over that 8ish hour period. See photos. Is that because the local moon is rotating or is it from the change in my viewing angle?

I'm going to need a better camera. I too have become intrigued by the moon since being flatsmacked! Love that term.
Thanks Adam. I took another photo during the day this morning since it was super bright. The position looks the same as it was in my 5:54am position, but this was taken at nearly 3 hours later. Ever since getting flatsmacked I am getting obsessed with the moon, its fascinating.
I am starting to think the moon is a trick image, like when the picture has eyes that follow you. Everyone could look at the moon all over the earth and see the same face. If that makes sense. Sorry for the double post.
That looks like clockwise rotational motion, which would indicate a moon circling over the earth not orbiting. You could suggest the moon spins clockwise in orbit, but I would expect to see more roational movement then just the clockwise roataion we see.