Hi FE community! I have been listening to George’s podcast for a few weeks now, and wish I could get this information all day every day as I feel like I have just been born and need to learn about life all over again.
I believed the lies, and did not believe in God, but now I do. I believe we have been created, I need to read the bible (but which one should I read?) and I am really interested to know how some of you receive your messages from God?
When some of the guests on the podcast have said “God spoke to me, or told me, or gave me a sign” , in what way does this happen? Is it a feeling? Is it a thing that happens that can be read as a sign? I want to be connected to God now, but do not know or understand how to open up to this or recognise it. Can anyone give me some advice on this?
Thanks, from Lou
One thing I would suggest for all is to simply ask God to reveal truths to you. IMHO all truths lead to God. Jesus himself said he is the way, the truth and the life. Also all lies lead to Satan. And those lies lead back to truth and thus God, b/c lies are a perversion of truth.
I like the New King James
Thank you Dennis! I have an audible subscription so I will move onto these audiobooks once I have got through more episodes of the Flat Earth Files. I appreciate your help and references.
If you want to have God speak to you, read His Word. If you want to hear Him speak audibly, then read His Word out loud.
Hebrews 1 tells us where to start; it says: "God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us through His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds"
You can learn more about Jesus by reading the Gospel of John first.
If you have a hard time reading, then I strongly suggest listening to an audio version of the Bible while going about your day. At first you may not remember everything, but His Word IS going in and will change you. I have found that scripture naturally comes to mind when doing this...and it comes to mind IN CONTEXT to what is being presented, not in the manner of some who love to do what is called "proof texting" where they grab one or two random verses and build a narrative around that.
If interested, a membership to Audible dot com is about $14/month and you get a free credit each month, I use the credit to purchase the most expensive books. The (3) Audible versions of the Bible I would really encourage a person to buy are as follows:
First: The NKJV Audio Bible narrated by Simon Bubb
Second: The NIV Audio Bible narrated by David Suchet
Third: The ESV Audio Bible narrated by Kristyn Getty
This being said, I would HIGHLY recommend first buying and listening to the following:
The Untold Story of The Christian Church by Frank Viola
Keep in mind I am accountable to the Creator of all things and anything I've typed above are in consideration towards that accountability. God bless you and The Holy Spirit guide you unto all truth.
Edited to add a warning: Beware of ANYONE telling you God directly told them this or that because what they are doing is setting themselves ABOVE all of us who have never heard God speak to us in an audible fashion, or in some new revelation NOT FOUND in Scripture...like one knucklehead I heard a while back "prophesying" that God is opening a "portal" in our community, or like our current crop of NAR reprobates daily claiming God is telling them things. Mark and avoid them.
Download the "Blue Letter Bible" app. It lets you compare different bible versions side by side.
Also download the "Literal Word" bible app. Thats lets you see the hebrew word for each individual word, and how many times and places it pops up in the hebrew bible.
I have the Apocrypha that I ordered off of Amazon, it has Enoch and all the other books that have been neglected since a bunch of old guys decided to magically make the modern bible, wait for it, 66 books. Should be 88. Similar to the Ethiopian Bible. Anyhow, its in the LSV, or Literal Standard Version. It reads good. Not as complicated as KJV, but also not baby worded like ESV or one of these newer versions.
Welcome to the truth. For the bible, I’m am reading the New King James because the language used is a bit easier to understand but I have the regular KJV study bible and a St Joseph’s for comparison. My goal is to read through it from front to back reading 30-45 minutes most every morning. I’m in Damiel now. Once I get through it, I will re-read and study deeper using the KJV study bible and then the Cepher bible which restores many things like the original name of our God to His original name.
Hi Kenneth,
Thank you for sharing your experience. This is great! I will put more thought into my thoughts and feeling when it comes to God, experiences, and praying and see if I can recognise some communication or signs.
Man, I don't know that I can definitively say that I've heard a voice. I know people, and personally, that say they have. But I've never heard a voice myself. I do know that I get a shover down my spine starting around the base of my neck when I ask GOD for discernment. I don't get the shiver when I know it's something bad that I'm doing. Sinning if you will. Having that other drink I know I shouldn't have. Meeting eyes more than once with the attractive woman that smiled at me at the restaurant. Cursing or talking blasphemies. I never get that shiver when I'm doing that crap. But I get it when I know I'm doing something right and ask for reassurance. Usually the "voice" me is the voice I hear when I'm thinking anything in my head. But I know that it originated from elsewhere, because it stands out as righteous, I know it when I focus on the thought. This is my interpretation of the spirit of GOD within us. What society calls morals. They're inherent. They are from GOD. Do the right thing and tell me it doesn't feel good. There's a reason. Anyhow, I don't know if this helped at all, but I don't know that everyone has the exact same experience. I think it depends on your spiritual gift. I think mine s discernment? And that's why I get the "feeling" for right and wrong. Often, GOD speaks in the voice you most need heard. Find out what your gift is. Describe your interactions with other people and maybe we can pin point your spiritual language. And PRAY! Pray a lot. Give thanks. It will change your mindset and give you the perspective you need. If you don't like the way your prayers sound, keep doing them anyways. They will get better.