In season 1 the comic book show the dome over the black rock magnet mountain mt
Marue which is why the hatch was magnetic
Are north pole or center is always moving just like in the show
And they find out if I use a boat you just go in circles around the island,just like are giant island I just go in circles
And the polor bears are at the north pole which is a big hint, also there is a jynn monster, the island is tropical lile the garden of Eden
Gosh, I remember binge watching that show and I had a crush on the character Desmond that lived in the bunker...go figure haha.
That's definitely an interesting thought. I was a huge Lost fan when it was on TV of course at that time I had no clue we lived on a level non-rotating plane. If I knew then what I know now I would have looked at it differently for sure!