Hi everyone I have not contributed to George's page for quite a while I guess I dropped off the radar for a bit. When I first realised the truth that this world is not actually spinning and moving anywhere in fact the sun is what's moving and the clouds quite often are quite still in the sky that I realized we are on the flat realm. Unfortunately that completely wiped out my fascination with science fiction and it all seem quite ridiculous. Well after probably half a year to a year I managed to get back into some science fiction and let me tell you it's very hard to occupy the reality and then fantasy at the same time without getting very confused. I'll try and limit my philosophical rambling's at this point and get on with what I wanted to say my main point.
So I'm reading one of the classics Larry nivens ringworld series of books and fact anyone who plays Xbox would know that the halo series of games actually got inspired inspiration from the ringworld concept.
What I noticed is he frequently makes a point that this ringworld is so vast that it has the appearance of being flat to The observer and also he makes a comment or the association that people who live on Earth are flatlanders. Why would say this I don't really know why but sometimes I wonder about this disclosure concept.
Anyway the ringworld is so vast and it was created by some sort of advanced alien race and what they did was they transcribed all the various planets that held intelligence life and recreated all the continents in the oceans etc on the ring world. What is the point that I'm trying to make? The point is he is saying that all these different worlds are laid out flat geographically on the ringworld surface and a separated by vast distances also on the ring surface. Now what have some Flat Earth research has been speculating? Dispatulate that there are other worlds countries etc beyond the ice wall in The Flat Earth concept. That in fact we reside on a vast plain with enclosed environments or domes above each ecological zone. If you can travel beyond these domes you can effectively travel to different worlds on this plane. And this is exactly what Larry has created in this fictional ring world. I find it very interesting and I certainly would not have made the association prior to my awakening.
If you managed to get through all that I can congratulate you. Thank you.